Got a few questions for us? Check out our FAQ answers below, and get in touch with us if you have any further questions.

  1. Who are you and where does your money come from?

    The Commitment operates within a registered charity (Caplor Horizons, Charity No. 1157696). We are funded by a range of charitable trusts and foundations, and previously from individual donations.

  2. Are you linked to a political party?

    We are strictly impartial and not connected with any political party. Our mission is to speed up government action on the climate and nature, by showing politicians that their voters want urgent action.

  3. What exactly do I have to do?

    To make your Commitment:

    • You commit to vote only for politicians who work for urgent action on the climate and nature. It is up to you to decide how to do this.

    • You explain why you are doing this. This makes your Commitment far more powerful when we take it to the politicians you vote for. 

      On an optional basis:

    • You tell us more about yourself. This is really helpful in showing politicians the range of people, across all parts of UK society, who feel strongly about action on the climate and nature.

      This optional information is kept completely anonymous.

  4. Will you tell me who to vote for? Does making The Commitment just mean voting for The Green Party?

    We will never tell you who to vote for. It is up to you to decide how to honour your Commitment.

    Making The Commitment means voting only for politicians who work for urgent action on the climate and nature.

    Some people may choose to vote for the Green Party, some may vote tactically for or against certain parties, and some may vote for a politician with a strong individual track record on the environment at the local or national level.

    Most importantly, we engage with politicians across all parties - showing them that their constituents want urgent action.

  5. What do I do after I’ve made The Commitment?

    Once you have made your Commitment, we will send you an email with a few suggestions for what you can do next. We’ll then be in regular contact through our monthly newsletters (if you agreed to receive them) and as elections approach we’ll encourage you to put your Commitment into action when you vote.

  6. What will happen to my Commitment? Where will my personal information go? 

    We take your Commitment, together with all the others from your area, to your MP and other local politicians (only using your first name).

    The Commitment will respect your privacy - see here for our Privacy Policy.

  7. I feel like a hypocrite because I frequently fly/eat meat/use plastic. Can I still make The Commitment?

    The Commitment is about government action. While individual action has an important part to play, making The Commitment puts the spotlight on politicians. Your Commitment shows that you care deeply, and will only vote for politicians who work for urgent action on the climate and nature. You don’t have to see yourself as an ‘eco warrior’ or ‘environmentalist’ - just someone who wants to see more government action for a healthy planet.

  8. I don’t vote/I am too young to vote.

    We strongly encourage everyone to vote and have their voices heard in public elections. Voting is an opportunity to decide who will be the best people to make decisions for us at a local, national or international level.

    To learn more about the difference you can make with your vote, as well as how our political system works - check out Voting Counts, and their 7 reasons to vote page.

    Click here to read more about why your vote matters.

    If you are not registered to vote, you can register here. If you are too young right now, you can register up to two years before you are old enough to vote.

  9. Optional extras - why do you ask additional questions about my background? Why we ask questions about your gender, age, ethnicity, voting habits and education:

    These questions are completely optional and you can still make The Commitment without answering them. 

    We aim to show politicians that voters across UK society care about the climate and natural world, and want more government action. By gathering information on the backgrounds of people who make The Commitment, we can demonstrate that concern is widespread across all groups. This gives politicians across all parties a powerful reason to act. 

    This information is kept completely anonymous - see here for our privacy statement.


"Our planet is beautiful and fragile.

We have an immense responsibility to play a full part in working to protect the myriad habitats that support all life on Earth.

We don’t inherit the Earth, we borrow it from the future."

“I want to play my part in protecting the planet and combating climate change. I believe in the power of the people at grass roots level to create change for the better. I want to give my vote to a political party that cares for the environment and understands the urgency of the situation rather than one that is concerned about economic growth.”

"I commit to vote for the interests of not just myself, but future generations and all the incredible life that share this planet with us.

I'd like to be able to say proudly to my grandchildren one day, "this is what we've left for you, isn't it extraordinary?" In the end, nothing else matters."

"So many of us want a better world for tomorrow than we have today.

Our world has given us so much and it’s time to stop destroying our planet for short-term gain and start thinking about giving back, nurturing nature and taking the climate crisis seriously. There’s only so much we can do as individuals to save our planet and it isn’t going to solved without real action from our leaders.”