Vision and approach

Our vision

A world with a safer climate and recovering nature.

Our mission

To speed up government action on the climate and biodiversity. How? By showing politicians that their voters want urgent action.

We also work to empower and inspire people to take more action for the planet.

We are impartial

The Commitment is not associated with any political party and we will not tell you how to vote.

  • The Commitment focuses on both climate change and biodiversity loss.

    The climate and biodiversity are interconnected. We can’t have a safer climate without a recovering natural world. And when we make progress with them, we make progress on the environment as a whole.

  • Far more attention needs to be put on bold government action for the climate and nature.

    We need to focus on urging our politicians locally and nationally to put the environment at the heart of their decision making.

    The Commitment enables voters to influence politicians. One voter is a single voice. Together with others, it’s a powerful force for change.


Want to learn more?

Our Co-Director, William Eccles, was a guest on First Mile’s podcast Zero50 to discuss the vision behind The Commitment and explain how it works.

You can listen to it on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

“We must come together and fight for our futures because our governments are clearly stalling and delaying taking meaningful action. It won’t be easy to reverse the damage we have done, but we have to stop talking about what could be done and start doing everything we can. The fate of the planet lies in our hands and we must act now.”

“This is my speech in front of 40,000 people in February 2020 supporting Greta Thunberg, with my thoughts and views on why we must stop Climate Breakdown and put Climate Justice first”

“We have power to show our commitment to change. We have the power, we vote these people in or out. All of us who want to leave a legacy that will make us proud and not hide in shame, sending our voices and votes, en masse, is powerful."

"We are part of nature. As stewards, we need to be caring for it not decimating it. We need to help our planet heal itself. If not for us, then for our grandchildren and for the flora, fauna and animals we share our planet with."