
Here are some examples of people who have made The Commitment (‘Committers’).


“I am passionate about tackling climate change, ecosystem destruction and neoliberal socio-environmental injustices. Whilst I have made as many sustainable lifestyle choices that I can, I am aware that the future of our planet relies largely on government regulation of multi-national corporations, rather than individual lifestyle choices. That is why I am making The Commitment. Your values and goals are admirable!”

“I have been a birder for over 65 years, for the first 40 years I noticed a small increasing decline in bird numbers, whether those on farmland/moorland/coasts and estuaries. For the last 25 years that decline has increased rapidly, to the point British natural history is approaching a point of catastrophe and in some cases it's passed that point. I'm not just talking about birds, it also involves plants/amphibians/mammals/insects and every other living thing on land the sea and even in the air of this Great British Isles. Something needs to be done urgently, not in 10 years, not in 5 years, it needs to be done tomorrow.”

“I am making The Commitment to help protect the future of the planet and help educate my children to make the right choices that we and previous generations didn't. This is their future x.”

“Because at this point we have no other choice to make things happen…”

“The climate emergency is the greatest threat to our generation and I’ve had enough of politicians ignoring us.”

“I am making The Commitment so artists of current and future generations can continue to be inspired by the wonders and beauty of the natural world.”

“The last 170 years have done more damage to the climate, whilst revolutionising human societies around the globe, than in the previous two millennia.  I want my time on this planet to have had a measurable positive impact to address the climate damage, and progress social justice.  The damage done in such a tiny fraction of human existence CAN be halted.  All we have to do is want it enough to act.  I commit to doing all I can, personally and in my company, to support that.”

“Action to genuinely mitigate climate change must be at the heart of the manifesto of any political party I will consider giving my vote to. No more bluster. No more deception.”

“There is no Planet B.”

“Because our politicians need to consider their legacy not just their term. We need to end short-termism in politics and choose integrity before cash.”

 "The climate is already changing and those least responsible and most vulnerable are experiencing the consequences."

“Because the clock is ticking. Because we absolutely need politicians doing all they can with regards to climate adaptation and transformation, for future generations globally.”